21 April 2009

The kiss

The kiss
A kiss warms a cold night
But the kiss warms the soul
A true long kiss
a unique kiss for a miss

Each kiss is a kiss,
But there is THE KISS
Why not kiss? Kiss now
Go ... go and kiss

But it must be The Kiss
That one in the middle of night on bed
from the partner, as a gift

Or another one in the middle of a talking
as a surprise from the partner
Again as a gift
Not a kiss, but the kiss

The kiss
spreads that sensation
that we are big and bigger
Above all, we know we are beloved
Good for heart,
necessary for life,
Perfect for health

The kiss

19 April 2009


I apologize to all friends for lack of time to write here. I was looking for a nice picture for us, a picture in which I could think over and write here. Then I would like to show this famous painting from Salvador Dali. It is "The Ascension". We always want ascension in our lives. It can be a better job, better relantionship, anything we want. Nevertheless, when we pursue our objectives with determination and pacience we find out new "other abilities" that were hidden into us. We are more than we think we are. We are more than people think we are. Ascension is not the end, it is part of our journey in one or many aspects in this incredible magical life. Have a nice week, friends.